Dr. Parsons was the son of Josiah Parsons, Esq., a veteran of the War of 1812, and his wife Judith Badger, both Quakers. After graduating from Dartmouth Medical College in 1841, he practiced in Bennington, New Hampshire. His younger brother, William Moody Parsons, graduated from the Medical College at Woodstock, Vermont in 1851, and joined his brother’s practice. The two were in partnership from 1851 – 1855, when William purchased his brother’s interest in the business. Joseph Parsons may have suffered from illness – he died unmarried, two years later at the age of 39, just 3 weeks short of his 40th birthday. William went on to develop a large practice in Bennington and Antrim, New Hampshire, before moving to Manchester in 1873, where he practiced for over 30 years more .